English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "Provencal" na iya samun ma'anoni daban-daban dangane da mahallin, amma yawanci tana nufin wani abu mai alaƙa ko kuma ya samo asali daga Provence, yanki a kudu maso gabashin Faransa.A matsayin sifa, "Provencal" na iya. koma ga al'ada, harshe, ko abinci na Provence. Misali, "Cin abinci na Provence" yana nufin abincin gargajiya da salon dafa abinci na yankin Provence. ko Provencal Occitan.Gaba ɗaya, ana amfani da kalmar "Provencal" sau da yawa don tada ma'anar al'adu da tarihi na musamman na Provence, wanda aka sani da kyawawan shimfidar wurare, yanayin Rum, da al'adun gargajiya.


  1. occitan

Sentence Examples

  1. Like everything else in these romances, it is a gross exaggeration of the real sentiment of chivalry, but its peculiar extravagance is probably due to the influence of those masters of hyperbole, the Provencal poets.
  2. One of its chiefs, who understood Provençal, begged the commune of Marseilles to give them this bare and barren promontory, where, like the sailors of old, they had run their boats ashore.