English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ji" ita ce samun fahimta ta musamman ko jin taɓawa, zafin jiki, matsa lamba, zafi, motsin rai, ko wani abu na zahiri ko na zahiri. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin fuskantar motsin rai ko ji don amsa wani yanayi ko ƙara kuzari. Bugu da ƙari, "ji" na iya nufin sanin wani abu da hankali ko samun ra'ayi ko imani game da wani abu ba tare da samun shaida ko hujja ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. It somehow made me feel better about the total mess.
  2. I wanted to stick around to talk to a few people, but Emma would arrive any minute, and she was exactly what I needed to make myself feel better and to find normalcy again.
  3. I needed an update on my baby girl, and hearing about her day at school would help me feel better.
  4. It would make me feel better about interrupting their conversation and let them quickly cool down, so there was no embarrassment over their argument.
  5. And why did Nana D feel the need to keep setting me up with weird women?
  6. And why did I always feel like I was five years old around him?
  7. No one should feel bad except the idiot who stepped into his car after drinking a six-pack and thinking he was totally fine to drive.
  8. They told me I should feel honored over being asked to take a larger role in the new Braxton University.
  9. I added my two cents, not to feel left out of the conversation, but also to continue the theme of behaving in public.
  10. Vincenzo and Cecilia Castigliano showed up uninvited at my house with a request to keep Emma overnight, claiming they missed their daughter and wanted to feel close to her.

TV Series Examples



Go on, feel the fabric.



Does that make you feel better or worse?



and l still feel like an outsider



lt doesn't make me feel anything.