English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ilimi" shine samun koyarwa, horo, ko ilimi na tsari, musamman a makaranta ko jami'a. Hakanan yana nufin mallakar ilimi ko ƙwarewar da aka samu ta hanyar nazari, aiki, ko ƙwarewa. Ilimi yawanci yana nufin samun fahintar batutuwa daban-daban, haɓakar iyawar tunani da tunani mai zurfi, da ikon sadarwa yadda ya kamata tare da wasu.

Sentence Examples

  1. He had noted a lot of details and was able to make some educated guesses based on them, but that was all he could hope to do for the time being.
  2. I found him well educated, with unusual powers of mind, but infected with misanthropy, and subject to perverse moods of alternate enthusiasm and melancholy.
  3. At Hartfield, you have had very good specimens of well educated, well bred men.
  4. I recalled that he had been quite an educated man in his day, well versed in sciences and languages.
  5. Had he been unfortunate enough to have had an educated taste, we should have had a series of poems from which, as from his letters, we could sift here and there a kernel from the mass of chaff.
  6. When he spoke he articulated his words in such a way that one could tell that he was well educated and probably came from a well-refined upperclass society.
  7. He had better manners than the educated prick next to me.
  8. I shall always have a great regard for the Miss Martins, especially Elizabeth, and should be very sorry to give them up, for they are quite as well educated as me.
  9. On the other hand, there were educated people who believed that because they had an idea and were willing to make a small investment that they could hire a consultant to write a business plan that would make them worthy of major outside investment.
  10. But, without educated thought, he erred continually by the very intensity of his investigations.