English to gujarati meaning of

Sentence Examples

  1. Even the palace in Vyramas could boast only a few small paintings created by the same Composer.
  2. On the whole I incline to the latter view, since the matter was evidently important, and it is unlikely that the composer of such a letter would be careless.
  3. Levasseur, who had been suffering under severe illness, made his reappearance in the character of Bertram, and, as usual, the announcement of the most admired production of the favorite composer of the day had attracted a brilliant and fashionable audience.
  4. As a celebrated composer and violin virtuoso, he was well-known to most, which made his presence even more exciting and intriguing.
  5. The young men, therefore, had reason to consider themselves fortunate in having the opportunity of hearing one of the best works by the composer of Lucia di Lammermoor, supported by three of the most renowned vocalists of Italy.
  6. I put them in birth order because each composer learned from those who lived before.