TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 18
Believe me, any girl willing to play that, you don't wanna see naked.

The Big Bang Theory Season 9, Episode 14
That's a risk I'm willing to take!
ইচ্ছুক, রাজী, সম্মত, ইচ্ছু, ইচ্ছক, ইচ্ছাগত
(1) Disposed or inclined toward,not brought about by coercion or force,disposed or willing to comply,41,agreeable,ready
(2) Disposed or inclined toward
(3) Not brought about by coercion or force
(4) Disposed or willing to comply
(5) No data available
(6) Agreeable
(7) Ready
(1) The act of making a choice
(1) She was more than willing to help
(2) I also hope to have sponsor forms for my trek to Canada ready, so any willing volunteers can hassle their workmates, friends and family to help me.
(3) He was a willing accomplice
(4) A lady of kind and gentle disposition, she was always ready and willing to lend help and encouragement and was a top class neighbour and friend.
(5) Marie maintains a list of people ready and willing to fill positions and as an extra bonus to employers there are wage subsidies available.
(6) One thing Witmer tries to emphasize to students is she is ready and willing to communicate with students about issues important to them.
(7) And we're ready, willing and able to assist someone they believe to be involved in pretty bad stuff.
(8) What is required of God's people is a willing obedience to be led through an incredible series of events.
(9) Instead we should focus our concerns on the industries only too ready, willing and able to take advantage of tweenagers' naive consumerism.
(10) A permanent ceasefire and peace will come through a political solution for which all sides should be ready and willing to compromise.
(11) At Imprint, what we require of volunteers is to be enthusiastic, eager and willing to learn.
(12) You will readily obtain good advice, timely encouragement and willing support from your allies.
(13) He was ready and willing to walk away from the city and put the fight on another month and in another city but executives at Madison Square Garden convinced him to stay in town.
(14) After a week of not going to the gym or doing much of anything active except for a few good bike rides, I was ready and willing to run down to the gym and resume the program today.
(15) A willing worker
(16) We'll start this evening if you're willing
(17) Now she has a corps of enthusiastic volunteers, ready, willing and able to take on other people's crises.
(18) Neither is ready or willing to be put out to grass and they are hardly candidates for the sporting knacker's yard, a fact that Paterson readily concedes himself.
(19) A man of deep faith, he helped out in many of the church undertakings and was always ready and willing to support such ventures.
(20) Like any wise leader he was aware that his own success would have been nothing had his men not been willing , even eager, to follow him.
readily given
tend to
The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 18
Believe me, any girl willing to play that, you don't wanna see naked.
The Big Bang Theory Season 9, Episode 14
That's a risk I'm willing to take!