TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 2
The humorous implication being that I am Wile E. Coyote?
ছলনা, ছলাকলা, কূটবুদ্ধি, কৌশল
প্রতারিত করা, ছলনা করা, ফুসলান
(1) The use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them
(2) The use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them)
(3) Cunning
(1) Mike Upchat was not his real name, of course, and no one ever found out what this was; it was also not the only pseudonym he would employ in his schemes to wile his way into a woman's bed.
(2) If I were trapped in repressive, anti-literate society in which books were banned, I think my best bet for memorisation ought to be Machiavelli's The Prince, the better to wile my way to the top.
(3) By current standards, Eve is old-fashioned, her wiles and stratagems strictly based on aligning herself with men for their power rather than tapping into her own.
(4) But beneath the virtuous-widow facade she presented to the world was a cold, calculating, manipulative monster who used her feminine wiles to get what she wanted.
(5) At the end of the night the beautiful maiden is trying to set up her handmaiden with a young burly blacksmith so she distracts the young guard with her feminine wiles and he is smitten.
(6) Because, among other things, I'm a girl who believes that women needn't define themselves by what society dictates to be appropriate behaviour, and yet I'll never miss an opportunity to exercise my feminine wiles .
(7) She's an adventurous lass who uses her feminine wiles quite effectively on unsuspecting men.
(8) Chicagoans are going to succumb to the feminine wiles of that palsied succubus, so you should make sure children could not possibly be the result.
(9) I dance for lonely men, men who feel neglected, men who need the feigned affection and artful wiles of the dancer.
(10) I can't hang with the girls who run to the bathroom to apply lipstick every five minutes, but I can appreciate those who flaunt their feminine wiles in other ways.
(11) Sometimes her attempt to handle tough situations on her own causes problems, as when she tries to imitate Julia's feminine wiles on a young male friend.
(12) He used his wiles and his persuasion to the best of his abilityu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac and the rest gave in.
(13) Despite the bitterly cold and windy night, the usual stalwarts came out to test their cognitive functions against the wiles of an entertaining master with extra musical memory questions thrown in for good measure.
(14) It is the Africans who are moving, shifting, thinking, plotting, and therefore digging their own entrenchment in this land upon which so many others have, through wiles and stratagems of their own, entrenched themselves here.
(15) But, come on, you must remember how fascinating it was to be in close contact with an attractive male around about the time you discovered your feminine wiles ?
(16) Women and their feminine wiles fascinated and frustrated him.
(17) Better the paternalism of Ayub than the devious wiles of the politicians.
(18) Marcus emboldens himself to ask, and Sarah turns her professional wiles on him, suggesting he heard what he wanted to hear.
(19) Cassandra uses all of her wiles to manipulate Duncan.
(20) It had taken all her feminine wiles to seduce Pemberton, the butler, and then spike his drink with a sleeping pill.
The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 2
The humorous implication being that I am Wile E. Coyote?