(1) I am tempted to give one more instance showing how plants and animals, remote in the scale of nature, are bound together by a web of complex relations.
(2) The only similarity to the deadly Australian spider is that both use a comparable type of web for capturing prey.
(3) A million things ran through her mind, like the many intricate threads in a spider's web , only these threads were made out of fear and perplexity.
(4) He also points out that employees are often drawn into a web of corruption by people they work with.
(5) He tried various spiders to get the finest web for the purpose and carefully glued it to the eyepiece.
(6) The biggest information repository in most organisations sits in the heads of the people who work there, and the largest communication network is the web of conversations that binds them.
(7) Just in terms of carbon trading between countries, there will be a complex web for translating trading rules into every different country's legal system.
(8) In addition the company used a web of partnerships and trusts to hide the true financial position of the business.
(9) He asserted that democracy needs u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510a web of rules, regulations, institutions, laws, morals, public opinion and conventionsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(10) So in an effort to promote integration, we instead wind up engulfing the mentally disabled in a web of political correctness.
(11) His feet are rather large, but the web is not wide as in ducks.
(12) I need not remind my readers of the connection always maintained in classical poetry and legend between the spider and the weaver, the spinner and the web. Even in our vernacular we speak of u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510the web u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb on the loom, and the fable of Arachne has blended itself with almost all thought on the subject.
(13) He created a web of lies about his life, including claiming he was a professional tennis player, and funded his fantasies by applying for 13 credit cards in his father's name.
(14) It either spins a silken web to fasten the pupa on a firm base or a silken girdle to support the pupa from a stem or a twig.
(15) A web of social, medical, legal and political circumstances conspire against the medical care of women inmates.
(16) These vessels form a web of complex interconnections with the channels.
(17) You can resist the opera's vision of redemption but you cannot resist music which enfolds you so completely in a web of sensuous twisting harmonies.
(18) All are bound together in a web of political and sexual intrigue: each novel reveals different aspects of the truth.
(19) Every woman made her web and bleached it herself, and the price never rose higher than 2 shillings a yard, and with this cloth almost everyone was clothed.
(20) They include both the web-spinning variety and those, which do not spin a web .