দু:খপূর্ণ কিন্তু মিলনান্তক নাটক
(1) A dramatic composition involving elements of both tragedy and comedy usually with the tragic predominating
(2) A comedy with serious elements or overtones
(1) Part fairy tale, part tragicomedy , it's sure to be a hit.
(2) Her chance came in this 15 th-century tragicomedy by Fernando de Rojas about a madam at a brothel who agrees to help a nobleman seduce a young virgin.
(3) If the play were a comedy, or at least a tragicomedy , Edgar's victory over Edmund would have turned the tribulation to joy.
(4) And he aims to complete this picture with a tragicomedy dealing with the relationship between two fiery best friends.
(5) That's because it is not a tragicomedy about being old, but about the grief of settling into middle age, specifically the middle age of a married working-class man.
(6) But any significant new insights into that strange, perverse Jacobean tragicomedy contrived to pass me by.
(7) This odd-couple tragicomedy is so well acted by both men, so utterly involving, and so real.
(8) Again there is a comparison with Beckett and tragicomedy , where happiness and sadness are all the more vivid from being in relief to each other.
(9) It is not coincidental that tragicomedy has surfaced as a subgenre in war literature.
(10) But both tyrant and rake coexist in tragicomedy , as they do in Clarissa.
(11) It's like a romantic comedy written by Beckett - a romantic tragicomedy - in which romance dies not in some passionate combustion, but fizzles out into uncomfortable, aseptic banality.
(12) John Dancer's tragicomedy Agrippa, King of Alba appeared in 1669.
(13) This film could have been deadly earnest and full of moral fury, but the tone is the stuff of tragicomedy .
(14) She has crafted a consistently engaging tragicomedy of life in the big city.
(15) The terms black comedy and tragicomedy imply a mix of the mordant and the humorous.
(16) The plays fall into the categories of history, tragedy, comedy and tragicomedy .
(17) It would seem that tragicomedy was the new genre of the moment, and that Shakespeare, Fletcher, and Beaumont sparked each other off to develop that genre to its full potential.
(18) His most recent graphic novel is pure tragicomedy .
(19) In this tragicomedy , lives and careers take place backward, starting with the corruption of success and winding up at an innocent high school graduation.
(20) This tragedy is transformed into a tragicomedy , and indeed, into a farce, by a mechanical device that belongs more to vaudeville than to a novel.