TV series example of the word

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 6
The visions take their toil.

Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 3
We do not plow the fields or toil in the mine.
পরিশ্রম, খাটুনি, কঠোর চেষ্টা
পরিশ্রম করা, শ্রম করা, মেহনত করা, খাটা, গতর খাটান, গা ঘামান, কঠোর চেষ্টা করা
(1) Productive work (especially physical work done for wages
(2) Productive work (especially physical work done for wages)
(3) Hard work
(1) Work hard
(1) Now when I talk about effort here I don't mean some awful dreary toil .
(2) Curving stone walls crisscrossed the landscapes, testifying to centuries of toil and sweat by inhabitants, creating soft, green pastures for livestock.
(3) All that effort, toil and rhetoric is finished and now winners and losers have to face the results.
(4) It wasn't the hours of toil , sweat and petrol clearing the footpath which concerned me, but the wasted wheat.
(5) There is no hint of self-consciousness from this writing, no whiff of labour or toil .
(6) I have discovered that when it comes to physical toil , some work placement students act like consultants.
(7) Her working hours increase, her pay is cut, and the conditions under which she must toil become increasingly arduous.
(8) A life of toil
(9) This is a straightforward, unpretentious musical comedy about five cleaning women who toil night after night in a Calgary office building.
(10) He began to build levees to stem the flooding but after nine years of exhausting toil , the position worsened everywhere.
(11) Churchill responded by exhorting them to fight on the beaches and promised them only blood, tears, toil and sweat.
(12) But local firms provided plants and materials, and after a fortnight's toil the job was done.
(13) All his life Nelson was profoundly aware of the drudgery of toil , whether on the furrow or the lower deck, and humanely responsive to the concerns of the least privileged.
(14) She began to toil up the cliff path
(15) The dirt and grime of industrial toil has been largely replaced by white-collar jobs.
(16) The expedition continued to toil north, and continued to leak men, as deserters wilier than Collins slipped away night after night.
(17) Nevertheless, the joy of knowing that those bookshelves were the result of your own toil and labour can be beyond measure, even if they are a bit wonky.
(18) There is little point in having workers toil long and hard to sweep the debris into neat piles, which are then left to withstand the ravages of wind, rain and speeding wheels.
(19) Despite their faintness, Goya's lines retain everywhere a sense of hard physical toil .
(20) But any music fan should enjoy seeing the blood, sweat and toil that goes into making the end product we all buy.
hard work
work hard
Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 6
The visions take their toil.
Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 3
We do not plow the fields or toil in the mine.