TV series example of the word

Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 9
I want him coming at us full tilt.
কাৎ হত্তয়া অবস্থা, ঢল, লড়াই, বেগে আক্রমণ, আচ্ছাদন, চাল, ঘটাটোপ
কাত হত্তয়া, উলটাইয়া যাত্তয়া, ঢালু করা, ঝুাঁক, খোঁচা দেত্তয়া
(1) A combat between two mounted knights tilting against each other with blunted lances.
(2) A contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement.
(3) A slight but noticeable partiality.
(4) The property possessed by a line or surface that departs from the vertical.
(5) Pitching dangerously to one side.
(6) A contentious speech act.
(7) A dispute where there is strong disagreement.
(8) Lean.
(9) Slope.
(10) Fight.
(1) To incline or bend from a vertical position.
(2) Heel over.
(3) Move sideways or in an unsteady way.
(4) Charge with a tilt.
(5) Lean.
(6) Slant.
(7) Attack.
(8) Fight.
(1) In 1178, with only three stories of the tower built, work stopped because of politics and debt, but the tilt toward the south was already evident.
(2) It seems an age ago that Rangers opened their tilt for the title with what was seen as a desperately damaging 1-1 draw at Kilmarnock.
(3) In recent issues, I have clung to my bearish outlook but gingerly hinted that a tilt to the bullish side of the ledger was in the offing.
(4) The tilt of her head
(5) A tilt at the European Cup
(6) With a tilt of the head, he'll talk unguardedly of stealing his mother's copy of the record, his unapologetic love for Wings, and his cat back home in Detroit.
(7) The upward tilt of the floor plane makes their feet seem to dangle downward.
(8) As a result the two-storey centre section with its turned-up eaves has a drunken tilt .
(9) The tilt toward Israel will not soon be forgotten by the Arab world, but it will be harder for the administration to claim that Bush's support of Sharon has made a difference.
(10) He was wearing his cap off-center and set well back on his head at an insolent tilt ,.
(11) The tilt raises our expectations of what we will see when the camera stops.
(12) He condemns the tilt towards blind patriotism, but what are the interests behind the beating of the war drums?
(13) It was a sign that the band was maturing - it made a clear tilt toward acoustic instruments, somewhat darker themes and walls of horns.
(14) In the wake of the Clinton visit, some members of India's intelligentsia are openly advocating a new tilt toward Washington.
(15) Marked changes in the axial tilt of the Earth have also taken place.
(16) However, the significance of the candidates' list resides not so much in the prospects of the individual contenders as in its heavy tilt towards the conservative camp.
(17) The voting patterns of Native Americans are often hard to quantify and in many places do not show a partisan tilt toward Democrats or Republicans.
(18) I resolved never to tilt with a French lady in compliment
(19) Move in slow with your face towards hers and slightly tilt your head so you don't bump noses.
(20) The tilt toward democratization does not guarantee global good government.
cant over
Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 9
I want him coming at us full tilt.