TV series example of the word

Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 8
<i>New details have emerged in the spate of jail deaths...</i>
নদীর জলস্ফীতি, জলোচ্ছ্বাস
(1) (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent,a sudden forceful flow,the occurrence of a water flow resulting from sudden rain or melting snow,series
(2) (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent
(3) A sudden forceful flow
(4) The occurrence of a water flow resulting from sudden rain or melting snow
(5) Series
(1) As you all know, Mason Enterprises has been going through a spate of rough times as of late.
(2) A spate of related movements tried to emulate his success.
(3) It sparked a spate of letters - so many that we've started a discussion group
(4) There's been a recent spate of intimidating text message cases brought up in court.
(5) Of the sudden spate of mother-daughter movies only one contains any real surprises
(6) As the river rapidly went into full spate , the ice blue turned chocolate brown and became unfishable.
(7) After a spate of attacks in March and April this year, bookmakers have become increasingly successful in fending off attacks.
(8) Emily the Labrador disappeared in London just hours after Britain learned of a spate of dog thefts up and down the country.
(9) With greed left to take its course, a spate of scandals has erupted among foundations and charities.
(10) Technology stocks took a fresh battering after a spate of US profit warnings spread gloom across world financial markets.
(11) A spate of viruses could force carriers to beef up their customer support staffs, which would drive up prices for all users.
(12) A spate of attacks on travelers
(13) This autumn has seen a spate of high-profile full stops, marked by greatest-hits collections and line-up changes.
(14) A spate of attacks on holidaymakers
(15) The early twentieth century witnessed a spate of father-to-father advice books and a growing body of essays and articles written by and for fathers in popular magazines.
(16) The proposal follows a spate of food thefts from fridges around the College.
(17) That night saw one of the most ferocious spates of rioting in living memory.
Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 8
<i>New details have emerged in the spate of jail deaths...</i>