TV series example of the word

Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 5
You pollute my home with his presence?
দূষিত করা, সমল করা, কলুষিত করা, কলঙ্কিত করা, অপবিত্র করা, খারাপ করা, বলাত্কার করা, কাল করা, নোংরা করা
(1) Make impure.
(2) Make dirty; corrupt.
(1) Pollution traditionally involved an act of defilement and desecration; in previous times, to pollute was to profane, to stain, to sully, to corrupt.
(2) The same giant livestock facilities that pollute our air and water are also the perfect breeding grounds for super-tough microbes.
(3) Changing the by-law that protects us will only benefit the lobbyists who are promoters of the industry which will further pollute our air and water.
(4) The fact is that etching chips requires the use of caustic chemicals that pollute the air and water.
(5) A new medical study says they are more susceptible to some forms of cancer than the average Italian, possibly due to illegal waste dumps that pollute the water and soil.
(6) At least when you are home you can sit in your own Cadillacs for hours in the rush traffic and pollute the air as much you like, destroying the ozone layer and blame it on us smokers.
(7) When washed off, these substances drain away to pollute public water resources.
(8) If the hourly application rate is excessive, runoff could pollute surface waters or flood adjoining areas.
(9) On the other hand, his ability to corrupt and pollute the moral atmosphere of the earth, should he pervert his way, is greater than anyone else's.
(10) Pesticides used to treat the flowers also pollute ground water.
(11) We find imprecations against people who break laws, defile a sanctuary, commit perjury, or pollute a grave, amongst other things.
(12) You may enjoy short-term TV exposure and media headlines, but even the media are pillars of the polluting society.
(13) A factory polluting your air or water supply is a typical example of one.
(14) The spill polluted the water, damaged the coastal ecological system and disrupted fishing in the area.
(15) Replacing used water bottles with new containers made from virgin resources consumes energy and pollutes the air, land and water.
(16) Intensive use of pesticides and fertilizers seriously pollutes our water, soil, and air.
(17) Ireland is one of the worst polluters in Europe, using more coal, oil and gas per person than most other member states, an EU report reveals.
(18) The result is that fish waste pollutes the water, which becomes the perfect habitat for green algae to form.
(19) Unfortunately, Perc is also a suspected carcinogen which pollutes air and water supplies.
(20) Loss of habitat, prey, and polluted waters are some of the risks that alligators already face.
Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 5
You pollute my home with his presence?