পোপের পদ, কোন পোপের শাসনকাল, পোপের শাসন
(1) The government of the Roman Catholic Church
(1) Relations between the English state and the papacy
(2) Yet even as the papacy extended its universal authority, it might also contribute to the creation of national, secular identities.
(3) Innocent used, or threatened, interdicts some 85 times during his papacy .
(4) But the kings also increasingly invoked the authority of the papacy as a source of legitimacy rather then popular acclamation.
(5) In 1309, a French pope moved the papacy (office of the pope) from Rome to Avignon in what is now France.
(6) Those who think little of the papacy or the Catholic Church can blame Pope Innocent III.
(7) Throughout his papacy . Pope Pius XII was almost universally, regarded as a saintly man, a scholar, a man of peace, a tower of strength, and a compassionate defender and protector of all victims of the war and genocide that had drenched Europe in blood.
(8) A papacy in decline
(9) Italian painter of the Umbrian School whose most important work in Rome and Siena celebrated the renewed authority of the papacy .
(10) During the papacy of Pope John