TV series example of the word

Breaking Bad Season 4, Episode 4
SKETCHY: The ozone layer is already thin because of the cow farts.
ঘনীভূত অম্লজান
(1) A colorless gas (O3, where it acts as a screen for ultraviolet radiation
(2) A colorless gas (O3) soluble in alkalis and cold water
(3) A strong oxidizing agent
(4) Can be produced by electric discharge in oxygen or by the action of ultraviolet radiation on oxygen in the stratosphere (where it acts as a screen for ultraviolet radiation)
(1) High in the atmosphere this is not a problem as ozone blocks the harmful rays from the sun.
(2) Although CO2 is by far the most well known green house gas, we humans also produce others in the form of methane, CFC's, ozone and nitrous oxide.
(3) Even though it's made of only three little molecules of oxygen, ozone can be a pretty big topic.
(4) The four usual agents of deterioration in the air apart from oxygen and water are sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, ozone and nitrogen dioxide.
(5) Public water systems treat water with chlorine, ultraviolet light or ozone to kill E. coli.
(6) So, as we learn more about stratospheric ozone and climate change, what were once two separate problems have become more and more entwined.
(7) Because of wind patterns, most ozone blows east to Fountain Hills.
(8) In the upper atmosphere, or the stratosphere, ozone is very good, as it acts as a shield to protect life on Earth from harmful Ultraviolet sunlight.
(9) Nitrogen Oxides, primarily from automobile exhaust, ramp up ozone production to toxic levels.
(10) Standard vertical profiles of pressure, temperature, relative humidity and ozone density are selected, according to the U.S. Standard Atmosphere.
(11) No one disputes that stratospheric ozone recovery is one of the environmental movement's great success stories.
(12) Tropospheric ozone can permanently damage people's lungs and prohibit plants from producing and storing food.
(13) Carbon monoxide is not only a hazardous air pollutant itself, it is also a chemical compound that produces ozone , a greenhouse gas that is a human health hazard.
(14) Already used to control bacteria in some pools and aquariums, ozone gas causes oxidizing reactions that damage tissue.
(15) Part I of The Ozone Layer relates the history of our understanding of stratospheric ozone .
(16) Water vapour, carbon dioxide, ozone , methane, nitrous oxide, and the chlorofluorocarbons are known as Greenhouse Gases.
(17) The stratosphere is rich in ozone , a greenhouse gas that filters out dangerous solar particles such as ultraviolet light.
(18) Recent changes in surface UV solar radiation and stratospheric ozone have also been reported at a high Arctic site, although it is still too early to make trend estimates.
(19) Your lungs may be exposed to pollutants such as ozone , carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and sulfuric acid.
(20) Also, the presence of stratospheric ozone sandwiched between the satellite and the troposphere makes seeing tropospheric ozone very difficult.
Breaking Bad Season 4, Episode 4
SKETCHY: The ozone layer is already thin because of the cow farts.