(1) Briefly shut the eyes,blink
(2) Briefly shut the eyes
(3) Blink
(1) This intends that there is no readjusting of the lenses back to their normal contour, and consequently the vision rests somewhat clearer than with soft contact lenses that permit the optic to change centering slightly when the optic nictitates and then have to recover its original centering.
(2) I assure you Miss Brown, that were I to nictitate at you, in any fashion, it would be because I had finally cracked under the strain of teaching a bunch of dunder-headed fools, and would be on my way to St. Mungo's, were I could look forward to never seeing any of you again.
(3) They swam round looking the business and the feeder was able to grab the slower ones, which lay still while they were stroked, nictitating their eyelids as they did so.
(4) His eyes nictitated to protect his eyes from the seemingly blinding brand, and his resultant hiss echoed off the earthen walls once again.