TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 22
I'd rather get a prostate exam from a leper who walks away with nine fingers.

The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 16
Hawaii is a former leper colony on top of an active volcano
কুষ্ঠী, কূষ্ঠরোগী, কুঠো
(1) A person afflicted with leprosy,a pariah who is avoided by others,pariah
(2) A person afflicted with leprosy
(3) A pariah who is avoided by others
(4) Pariah
(1) I am no longer a social leper - My friends and family shall no longer wonder if I'm a closet homosexual.
(2) Winner of the coveted Palme d' Or for his 1989 debut Sex, Lies and Videotape, he subsequently proceeded to reinvent himself as a Hollywood leper with a string of critical and commercial failures.
(3) He must be henceforth treated like a moral leper to satisfy our conviction that endless ongoing punishment without mercy is ours to mete out to him forever.
(4) By Tuesday morning, she was a social leper .
(5) Therefore, my social interaction had severely declined, leaving me the equivalent to a social leper .
(6) The story made her out to be a social leper
(7) For the eleven years that Annalise had lived in Lawrenceville she had always been considered a social leper .
(8) He is a kind of leper in the Japanese medical world, shunned by his peers and out of favor with his bosses.
(9) Smoking from the age of 16 means that I have spent a fortune over 24 years to smell like an ashtray, damage my health and feel like a social leper .
(10) Can I find it within myself to approach this person as just another human being and not a pariah, a leper , an oddity in the sideshow of my life that gives me the willies when I think too hard about the situation?
(11) The aim will be to make you a leper , an untouchable.
(12) All societies, cultures and organizations have a few of this kind of moral leper who believe that they are more important than the ethic that made them what they are.
(13) The saint and the leper embrace and the leper is miraculously healed, but the real miracle is the love that makes healing and transformation possible.
(14) She was pretty much a social leper anyway, and she liked it that way.
(15) I am afraid that if I do speak out, against all that he has done, I will become a social leper .
(16) In the early 1930s, the lepers and mentally ill were removed from Robben Island and all the buildings burnt down.
(17) The tiny Chapel of St Mary Magdalen was established for lepers and blind priests in the early 12 th century by Thurstan, the Archbishop of York who founded Fountains Abbey.
(18) And then, in their free time, they cure lepers or build houses for entire villages in South America.
(19) Smokers seem to be the lepers of modern society.
(20) During those years she has raised thousands of pounds for the lepers and handicapped children who find themselves ostracised from Indian society.
The Big Bang Theory Season 4, Episode 22
I'd rather get a prostate exam from a leper who walks away with nine fingers.
The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 16
Hawaii is a former leper colony on top of an active volcano