(1) DNA replication is known to introduce short insertion and deletion mutations through various forms of strand misalignment.
(2) The bills introduce a number of measures to provide greater scrutiny of people, goods, and craft arriving in, and leaving from, New Zealand.
(3) I must introduce you to my wife
(4) If it doesn't like a particular scheme it can immediately introduce legislation to close it down - and the rules will apply retrospectively.
(5) It was u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510de rigueur,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb practically, to introduce your next song with a musicological essay - we all did it.
(6) To introduce sb to sth
(7) Barnes tries to introduce the song, but the drummer's making a little too much racket for his liking.
(8) But the plan is to introduce her as Tiffany, and not reveal her name.
(9) He told a conference yesterday that he wants prices for high speed Internet access to come down, or the Government would introduce regulations and legislation to bring prices down.
(10) Caroline, who is a singer and takes part in local talent competitions, was never able to get up on stage and introduce her own songs.
(11) Granada TV frontman Anthony Wilson is the master of ceremonies who will introduce an action-packed programme.
(12) But it may not be good for its fellow killer whales because it may introduce diseases.
(13) Supporters of this bill plan to introduce legislation in 2002 to include Medicaid.
(14) Draft regulations that will govern the Bill seeking to introduce legislation to control smoking in public places have been published for consultation.
(15) She wished to know your nameu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac and she requested that I introduce you to her.
(16) I have faith in the people of the United States to get beyond the present administration and the present situation, and, ultimately, to introduce such progressive legislation.
(17) Changes in the personnel might see a partial reversal of that, allowing up to 30 states to introduce legislation banning or limiting abortion.
(18) Private members, however, would be free to introduce such legislation, which would be subjected to debate and a free vote.
(19) To introduce new products to the market
(20) Initial modules introduce less complex concepts and situations, which are built upon by progressively more complex negotiation scenarios and strategies.