(1) Most adults are immune to mono after age 18 (their body fights the virus so they don't get sick).
(2) And in case anybody at home thinks allergists are immune to getting allergies themselves, you yourself get shots.
(3) The company claims it is immune from the suit because users legally copy music for personal use.
(4) The political class has become largely immune to the heartache of war.
(5) Several studies have been undertaken using this natural immune modulator.
(6) In the old days, such a manager would have been largely immune from prosecution.
(7) All of this is narrated by Michael, the only one of the quartet immune to the infection.
(8) More people were also already immune to the disease.
(9) So maybe I'm not completely immune to those seasonal influences eitheru251cu00f6u251cu00e7u252cu00ac
(10) How could these guys operate for more than a decade immune from prosecution?
(11) Analyses and opinions were not immune to those influences.
(12) The Attorney General and Crown attorneys are immune from civil suit except in the case of malicious prosecution.
(13) Commercial free speech is protected, but it is not immune from regulation.
(14) Politics beckoned, not just because it offered an outlet for his rhetorical brilliance and restless ambition, but also because MPs were immune from prosecution.
(15) Royalty are not immune from their effects, as we have seen all too clearly.
(16) At the same time, the hype notwithstanding, large parts of the country remain immune to media influence.
(17) Is reform possible in a people so immune to reason?
(18) What's more, the genes he inherited from those fortunate forebears may have made him largely immune to HIV.
(19) Even if you know you have had the rubella vaccination, your body may not have made enough antibodies to make you immune to the virus, so it is best to check.
(20) But the party that sits to my right is not immune from criticism, either.