TV series example of the word

Breaking Bad Season 2, Episode 5
So you know, now I'm persona non gratis or whatever.
বিনামূল্যে, মাগনা, বেগারহিসাবে
মুফত, নিখরচা
(1) Costing nothing.
(2) Free.
(1) Without payment
(1) Londoners who each work 7.9 gratis hours extra per week - equal to u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu25517,008 per worker over the course of a year - pull up the overall average.
(2) Because the piece will not be available on the web until sometime later, we offer gratis this brief summary of the most important points.
(3) People will put up with hotels charging $2 for a local phone call, but a place that didn't offer vast quantities of ice gratis would soon find itself out of business.
(4) So I figured I'd give you yesterday's and today's, free and gratis , to catch you up to speed.
(5) While running all over town, if not all over a state, to teach courses, they can hardly be expected to also design curricula gratis .
(6) In keeping with the dictates of the No Free Lunch theorems, no items on the menu are gratis , though all seem actually quite affordable.
(7) In general, entomologists are all too willing and eager to dispense their knowledge and practice their skills gratis .
(8) In Rome, state-salaried masters in each of the city districts or rioni taught poor students gratis and were allowed to charge a fee to whoever could pay.
(9) I'd offer to send you my copy gratis but there are still some relevant sections that I have yet to plunder and research.
(10) On the surface, it seems plausible enough - a free video messaging phone with all the usual gratis bits and bobs.
(11) The show is gratis , but call ahead to reserve tickets.
(12) So, what if we tell you that there's something gratis coming up?
(13) While capital has often been able to afford to hire its historians and sometimes pay them well, organised labour has more often looked to sympathetic journalists, academics, or activists to do the job gratis or for token reward.
(14) By order of the governor, no less, baseball fans are riding home gratis from Yankee Stadium on the D train and the No.4 train and from Shea Stadium on the No.7 train this week.
(15) A gift given gratis is cherished all the more because the gifted does not have to spend money on it.
(16) In fact, just yesterday I received this magazine in the mail - gratis .
(17) Sincere and heartfelt thanks were rendered to Shane who accommodated the event whilst managing another adult event in another part of the premises and also provided refreshments gratis to all and it went down a treat.
(18) I'm not looking for anyone to pay my hosting fees because they are gratis .
(19) Distributing the goods gratis , he figured that you could make an honest wedge creating company-specific applications and customisations to run on the basic system and he was right.
(20) All alcohol companies have a certain quota of the stuff that they have to give away gratis every year.
free of charge
without charge
for nothing
at no cost
on the house
for free
Breaking Bad Season 2, Episode 5
So you know, now I'm persona non gratis or whatever.