TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 5
That and, um, "Who does one have to orally gratify
খুশি করা, সন্তুষ্ট করা, পরিতৃপ্ত করা, তুষ্ট করা, বাসনা চরিতার্থ করা, চরিতার্থ করা, ঘুস দেত্তয়া, বকশী দেত্তয়া, গা জুড়ান
(1) Make happy or satisfied.
(2) Yield (to.
(3) Yield (to).
(4) Give satisfaction to.
(5) Give pleasure; satisfy.
(1) Anyone who abuses young girls in order to gratify their sexual desires can and must expect custodial sentences to mark the public abhorrence of this type of behaviour.
(2) He adopted their methodological starting point, the assumption that rational actors u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510seek to gratify their desires with the least exertion.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(3) It represents something which is universal and compelling: the freedom to gratify desire.
(4) Looking at the evolutionary history of four everyday domesticated plants (apples, tulips, marijuana and potatoes), he argues that their success stems from their ability to gratify human desires.
(5) Women, like men, were equally entitled to gratify their sexual desires in the most beneficial and pleasurable way possible.
(6) In the second case, there is a need to gratify the craving, regardless of the risk.
(7) This sounds remarkably similar to George's u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510fundamental law of political economyu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb that u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510men always seek to gratify their desires with the least exertion.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(8) Such jurisdiction allowed them to gratify their desires for lavish living.
(9) All he saw in me was a way to gratify his greed and voracity.
(10) If the sole motive is enjoyment then your destination should gratify your desires.
(11) Under colonialism, a nation is a ground on which men may gratify their desires for control and honor.
(12) As soon as we encounter rules, it seems to be human nature to start to get very clever about finding ways to gratify our desires even within the parameters of the rules.
(13) Does it gratify you that your films are taken seriously and that your films still inspire generations of filmmakers who have come after you?
(14) Also, we just cannot gratify every desire that arises, because to do so would destroy civilization by breaking down its necessary restrictions.
(15) The need gratifier can be anyone - father, mother, aunt, uncle, brother, sister.
(16) You look so well, they all cooed, gratifyingly unaware of just how dog-rough I was feeling on the inside.
(17) Therefore, he lives each day at a time, gratifying whatever desires turn up.
(18) But after these desires were gratified, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510less importantu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb desires would be gratified .
(19) But, as Thomas gratifyingly points out, newspapers are too dependent on revenue from movie-industry advertising to publish too many honest considerations of film.
(20) It is commendable and desirable, but not essential to the public need, that our aesthetic desires be gratified .
The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 5
That and, um, "Who does one have to orally gratify