TV series example of the word

Breaking Bad Season 2, Episode 9
and graphite from your brake pads.
কৃষ্ণসীস নামক ধাতু
(1) Used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors
(1) Carbon, in the forms of charcoal, graphite , and diamond, was one of the earliest elements known to man.
(2) A scanning tunneling microscope image shows liquid crystal molecules aligned on a sheet of graphite .
(3) It involved passing an electrical discharge between two rods of graphite (which is pure carbon).
(4) With the exception of graphite , they are poor conductors of electricity.
(5) Erasers made for graphite in black pencils work by adhesion, lifting the mark from the paper.
(6) It even resumed operations of an experimental graphite nuclear reactor.
(7) A nanotube is essentially a sheet of graphite rolled into a cylinder forming a single molecule.
(8) The sheet of graphite has rows of conjoined hexagons, separated by horizontally running zig-zag lines.
(9) One possibility of this sort of manipulation could turn carbon into either graphite or diamond.
(10) Permanent moulds also can be made from either bronze, aluminum, rubber or graphite .
(11) Some materials commonly used as unreactive anodes are platinum and graphite .
(12) For instance, carbon may exist as either graphite or diamond in its solid phase.
(13) The cesium ions interact with the graphite and eject the carbon ions.
(14) The leads are comprised of finely ground graphite and clay, which results in smooth, consistent lay down.
(15) One of the benefits of using graphite is that it keeps the silver from oxidizing, so bullets come out bright and shiny.
(16) Arrows can be made from wood, fibreglass, aluminium and carbon graphite .
(17) Students were allowed to use graphite pencil or a very fine-tipped felt pen.
(18) The sample contains graphite , but no monazite was found in the heavy mineral concentrates.
(19) Diamond and graphite both have a variety of important commercial and industrial uses.
(20) A diamond is a perfect crystal lattice while the graphite arrangement is more random.
black lead
Breaking Bad Season 2, Episode 9
and graphite from your brake pads.