(1) Any agent that destroys or prevents the growth of fungi
(1) Dust them with a powdered fungicide , such as captan, and spread them in a shady spot to dry for a day.
(2) The fungicide could be a synthetic chemical formulation or it could be a biological control.
(3) Cut away any rotten parts before dusting with fungicide
(4) The chemical group a fungicide belongs to is defined by its mode of action on a fungus.
(5) Until 1997, cadmium carbonate and cadmium chloride were used as fungicides for golf courses and home lawns.
(6) Such resistance reduces the cost of hop production and the amount of fungicides used because the fungus is not able to infest resistant plants.
(7) The most commonly used pesticides include highly toxic chemicals called fumigants, fungicides and insecticides.
(8) The work should help reduce growers' reliance on fungicides and other farm chemicals.
(9) Pesticides can be divided into fungicides , herbicides, and insecticides.
(10) Fungicides have fungicidal activity, that actually kills the fungus, or fungistatic activity, that slows the growth of the fungus to prevent extensive damage.
(11) Bactericidal and fungicidal activity of ant secretions and of pure formic acid were tested on filter-paper disks placed into each inoculated agar spread-plate.
(12) Potassium chloride also has shown fungicidal properties in turf, wheat and other crops.
(13) Agricultural chemicals such as fungicides can be mixed with the seed coatings.
(14) Most wine growers panic at the thought of mildew or molds, and chemical fungicides are considered a necessary evil.
(15) Methylamine is used extensively in the manufacture of herbicides and fungicides .
(16) No synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides , growth hormones or chemical treatments of any kind are used.
(17) With the elimination of the volatile mercurials, most fungicides now approved for use on seed are classified as nonvolatile.
(18) The fungicidal composition includes a phosphorus-containing compound such as phosphorous acid, a phosphite salt, and a phosphate salt or mixtures thereof.
(19) Older fungicides like wettable sulfur (an organically approved fungicide) are protectants.
(20) The commonly used fungicides are maneb, mancozeb, daconil and copper-oxychloride.