(1) Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements
(2) Shorten lines in a drawing so as to create an illusion of depth
(1) The value will paint this part in the front of a perspective view, in the back and will foreshorten it.
(2) On the other hand, if they have nothing to hide, then why should they not foreshorten the process, obviate the need for a formal investigation by, at a very early stage, offering a very full explanation for what took place.
(3) During early childhood, boys' identities as babies overshadowed their identities as boys, although class and race could foreshorten this moratorium from masculinity.
(4) In any event, the respondent has not sought to foreshorten the period of six months which, in the letter of 24 November 1997, it represented to the appellant that he should have in which to make arrangements for other accommodation.
(5) Eighty percent of all the bombs in World War II fell in the last ten months of the war during which the British, for instance, decided to bomb residential areas with the argument that this would foreshorten the war.
(6) Yes, even so, Sherman's strategy was to disable the economy of the South to foreshorten the resistance and the war and as I understand it - his targets were primarily property and infrastructure.
(7) In Rhino 4 we have added the ability to foreshorten any view, along with the ability to add your own display styles.
(8) Speaking quite personally, I'm constantly haunted by our incapacity to achieve ultimate meaning and I hate systems that, as it were, foreshorten the debate by saying u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Either we have absolute truth or there is no truth to haveu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(9) Oversize posters foreshorten and ameliorate the overpowering, tunnel-like perspective.
(10) Three months later, the new Viceory, Lord Mountbatten, decided to dramatically foreshorten the date of departure, bringing it forward to August 1947.
(11) The difference here is she is saying I want to have control over when pain relief medication which will foreshorten my life is given to me.
(12) Knowledge of the rudiments of perspective gives one a better conception of the proper manner to foreshorten an object, animate or otherwise, than any amount of special instruction on the subject.
(13) A letting void period should run from the present time as nothing in the previous twelve months letting period will serve to foreshorten the future period needed to let.
(14) It may be we will not be able to do that, and at this stage we should not foreshorten the day more than necessary.
(15) My use of a telephoto lens foreshortens the space between the buildings, enhancing the abstract effect by u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510flatteningu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb the bricks against the glass.
(16) Beyond this, Aertsen skillfully foreshortened objects never before honored with such attention: sausages, fish, a skinned ox head, a recumbent haunch.
(17) Just as we become conscious that the Earth took more than four billion years to bring forth this abundance of life, it is dawning on us how quickly we are foreshortening its future.
(18) Because we are looking down from such a high viewpoint, the figures are foreshortened .
(19) The term is used to describe painted ceilings where the figures or objects are foreshortened in such a way as to give the spectator the illusion of real figures floating above.
(20) The scene of the Titianesque Veronese's Resurrection is confused by the artist's virtuoso tricks of perspective, foreshortening and flying draperies.