TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 21
we've seen a crazy woman kissing a fetus in a jar.

The Big Bang Theory Season 9, Episode 18
Is the fetus helping you? 'Cause that's cheating.
(1) An unborn or unhatched vertebrate in the later stages of development showing the main recognizable features of the mature animal.
(2) Unborn young.
(1) Alcohol enters the fetus readily through the placenta and is eliminated by maternal metabolism.
(2) It was perceived that they were the African women who could carry a fetus to full term.
(3) The youngest fetus with Down's syndrome in our sample was 22 weeks old at the time of measuring.
(4) Further pregnancies should then pose no risk to the fetus or mother.
(5) Not every mother agrees that it is desirable to identify and terminate a fetus with Down's syndrome.
(6) How well a woman and the fetus do during pregnancy depends upon the type of heart problem.
(7) The woman is likely to be concerned about the risk of medication to the fetus .
(8) The former was a bold, one-man show, u2018Paapu2019 - again a lament on the trend of the times - mainly against foeticide .
(9) The activities, in u2018jathau2019 and u2018non-jathau2019 categories, will be on select issues like female foeticide .
(10) However, fewer than one percent of fetuses become infected when their mother has a recurrent infection.
(11) A small subset of fetuses with large lung lesions will become hydropic, deteriorate rapidly, and die in utero.
(12) The past 20 years have seen rapid advances in the detection of genetic disorders in human fetuses .
(13) It just happens that she helps a lot of women to abort their unborn fetuses .
(14) Those who favour abortion cannot accept that a foetus is a human being, exactly the same as a new born baby is a human being.
(15) After the eighth week of pregnancy, the developing baby is called a foetus .
(16) The ill effects included foetal hypoxia and death, neo-natal jaundice and several such complications.
(17) Some countries recognise abortion when pregnancy results from rape or incest, or when there is a high probability of foetal impairment.
(18) Developing fetuses , pregnant women, and young children are especially vulnerable.
(19) Experts think that the most important of these is female infanticide and foeticide which are practiced in our country.
(20) Poorly controlled asthma can lead to serious medical problems for pregnant women and their fetuses .
(21) Ngos involved in education and human rights, socio-economic reforms and women's empowerment should join the fight against female foeticide .
(22) Use a barrier contraceptive the first month: female fetuses may be adversely affected.
(23) Cowley remembers her mother curling up into a foetal ball, unable to recognise anybody till an injection was administered.
(24) Joe groaned aloud as the pain crept through his body and he doubled up into the foetal position and pulled the blanket closer.
(25) Some men have even tried to prevent women having abortions on grounds that the unborn foetus belongs to them.
(26) Female foeticide is condemned in the Sikh Code of Conduct.
(27) Doctors in China will harvest cells taken from aborted human foetuses which will then be injected into Mr Bell's head and spinal cord.
(28) Feedback is currently being used in a trial of early versus delayed delivery for preterm, growth retarded fetuses .
(29) On closer inspection, the bundle seemed like an oversized wooden puppet settled in the foetal position.
(30) Already cloning embryos, using aborted foetuses , gene swapping and gene therapy will mean the long term impacts will be immense on our everyday living.
unborn baby/child
The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 21
we've seen a crazy woman kissing a fetus in a jar.
The Big Bang Theory Season 9, Episode 18
Is the fetus helping you? 'Cause that's cheating.