পেনির চতুর্থাংশ
(1) A former British bronze coin worth a quarter of a penny
(1) The half-penny and farthing would gradually be replaced by a half-cent and quarter-cent.
(2) Renovation work at the Blenheim Road school has also unearthed an old shilling and a farthing hidden behind the children's coat pegs.
(3) Ivy Island was an inaccessible piece of barren land, not worth a farthing .
(4) You don't give a farthing for any of the characters, and so the work, whatever its commercial value, is artistically nil.
(5) They don't care a farthing about other peoples' feelings.
(6) But they did not care a farthing about defeat, to which they became accustomed.
(7) The silver farthing was worth a quarter of a penny.
(8) We didn't save the groat, the guinea or the farthing , and thrive without them.
(9) Have they, then, expended a single farthing on the improvement of that river?
(10) Whistler won, but was bankrupted after the judge awarded him only one farthing 's damages and told him to pay the costs of the trial.
(11) Izumi was standing in the middle of vast darkness, so dark that not even a farthing of dust or any particle could be seen.
(12) She didn't care a farthing for the woman
(13) The penny piece is now worth less in real terms than either the farthing or the decimal halfpenny when they were withdrawn from circulation.
(14) In the time of Samuel Pepys one farthing was worth roughly the same as a 10p coin would be today (you can compare monetary values since 1264 here).
(15) The Farthing Office was a part of the Mint and Charles II had introduced, in 1672, the copper half-penny and farthing with the Britannia type.
(16) The funny thing is that the cable TV company has never realized that the boxing public won't pay a farthing to see Jones do anything.
(17) Nestled inside, laying on a cushion of cloth, lay a medallion about the size of a farthing .
(18) Anybody who slogs through the first five pages of it knows perfectly well the book cares not a farthing for ideas; it's entertainment.
(19) He showed examples of some of the first minted Thai coins, which were actually modelled on the English farthing .
(20) By next February, the punt and the penny will be going the way of the farthing and half crown, becoming curios and museum pieces.