(1) Supersymmetric theories are good places to look for exotic matter in the form of fermionic superpartners of bosonic particles that carry forces.
(2) Historically, anthropologists have used ethnography to gain perspective on foreign, exotic cultures.
(3) Some of the proposals include exotic electronic states that have not yet been observed in any system.
(4) What you don't get in one of these knives is exotic steel with a tip-of-the-tongue collector name.
(5) Unlike the first time, when traveling to Cuba was something of an exotic journey to a foreign land, my return was more akin to a homecoming.
(6) His stories perfectly capture that fascination with exotic names and improbable colours and, best of all, the thrill of making a wise spending choice.
(7) Despite this careful redefinition of the velocity of a wave, there are, in fact, still exotic situations where the group velocity can exceed c.
(8) Some installers are adding broken glass, bits of metal, and other exotic materials to the mix, and diamond polishing afterwards.
(9) It features a quite attractive, somewhat exotic main theme that immediately catches the ear.
(10) There were exotic meals, foreign names of the dishes, and plenty more desserts.
(11) Something with pressure comparable to its energy density is exotic .
(12) But there are potentially more exotic applications over the horizon: quantum computers.
(13) A serial conman who swindled victims out of more than u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu25511million told a judge that he blew u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu255164,000 on exotic foreign holidays.
(14) Many physicists assumed that a more exotic underlying mechanism was responsible for superconductivity in magnesium diboride.
(15) Foreigners are considered exotic to some extent by the locals pretty much anywhere I've been, and Canada is no exception.
(16) For many Europeans, the description of an American summer camp seems foreign and slightly exotic .
(17) Physicists have coaxed a few atoms into exotic states that fit the bill, but they didn't make much of a computer.
(18) Most of them have their eyes set on sunnier and more exotic , distant resorts when they plan their holidays.
(19) Also noteworthy is the creative matching of gold with a variety of stones and materials in exotic colours.
(20) Pulsars and quasars may turn out to be commonplace in comparison to the exotic astrophysical events that gravity wave astronomy reveals.