(1) (philosophy
(2) (philosophy) a 20th-century philosophical movement
(3) Assumes that people are entirely free and thus responsible for what they make of themselves
(1) As a philosopher she reacted to existentialism and logical positivism with a deep belief that philosophy should be about freedom and morality and love and God.
(2) The episode is heavy on action and detective work, light on philosophy and existentialism .
(3) The philosophy of existentialism affected and changed the attitude of the Western community to suicide greatly.
(4) Here, existentialism belied the positivist socio-political attitudes of the official regimes and motivated political opposition.
(5) He read deeply on the subject of existentialism , having long conversations with Jean-Paul Sartre.
(6) The argument was directed at the individualist ontology of existentialism in favour of a more communitarian one.
(7) This time they look not to Judeo-Christian lore, but to Nietzsche and existentialism .
(8) Although he is indeed a co-father of existentialism with Kierkegaard, for some reason he has not generally been acknowledged as such.
(9) He published On Humanism, a letter to Beaufret in which he distanced his own philosophy from French existentialism .
(10) The next three chapters examine the religious existentialism of Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, and Nietzsche.
(11) I remember back in summer, when I was taking my course in existentialism , we discussed the topic of death.
(12) How one might convert the insights of Sartre's existentialism into a guide for action, however, is not at all obvious.
(13) Marx may be described as a humanist, and in this century humanism has been given expression, in both secular and religious forms, in the philosophy of existentialism .
(14) The non-Christian version of existentialism is attributable to Martin Heidegger and Jean Paul-Sartre.
(15) As much as fascism, Nietzsche foreshadowed modernism, existentialism and postmodernism.
(16) It is full of those little moments of impotency, existentialism and half-baked philosophical epiphanies that happen to us all.
(17) On the other hand, Sartre articulates the fundamental statement of existentialism in this way: life precedes what is of the essence.
(18) He is unable to escape, to articulate, or to textualize his experientially learned nascent existentialism .
(19) Sartre's existentialism drew its immediate inspiration from the work of the German philosopher, Martin Heidegger.
(20) Most of the words spoken seem like an abstract treatise on existentialism and determinism.