(1) The sixth of the seven canonical hours of the divine office; early evening; now often made a public service on Sundays
(2) (Anglican Church
(3) The sixth of the seven canonical hours of the divine office
(4) Early evening
(5) Now often made a public service on Sundays
(6) (Anglican Church) a daily evening service with prayers prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer
(1) It starts outside the church with the lighting of new fire and the Paschal Candle followed by a full Easter service and Festal evensong at 6.30 pm.
(2) A full Easter service and Festal evensong will be held at 6.30 pm.
(3) The service will replace the usual Sunday night evensong .
(4) But come September 1, she will begin 14 hours of rehearsal each week for a six-month probationary period before she is paid to join the professionals, rotating daily choral evensong duties with the boys' choir.
(5) Lots of people came to evensong and I got a few congratulations from members of the public after the performance.
(6) I ended up sleeping for about four hours - waking up at about 6.45 pm - missing not only my fringe show, but evensong as well.
(7) Choral evensong
(8) It takes me back, to be precise, to evensong at St Matthew's, West Kensington, and Hail Marys at my convent school, but that is another story.
(9) An Imber Day was also introduced so previous residents could return annually to tend graves, meet old friends and participate in Eucharist and evensong at St Giles' Church.
(10) Go to evensong at an Oxford or Cambridge college chapel, in particular Kings or Clare.
(11) The weekend was rest mostly, except for a disappointing effort to catch my first evensong service at King's College Chapel - only to find evensong was done for the term, recommencing 13 January.
(12) This being Sunday afternoon, it's time for evensong .
(13) Morning prayer is said every weekday morning, and evening prayer or evensong every night.
(14) On Saturday evening the service at the parish church was abandoned and the Sunday evensong was held in the afternoon instead of evening because of the smell.
(15) As few among the public who queue every day to hear choral evensong at King's can be aware of how the choir of the chapel used to and ought to look, it is worth rehearsing the story of this scandal again.
(16) Morning prayer, known as matins, and evening prayer, known as vespers or evensong , are most common.
(17) Then a spot of book shopping, coffee at the National Gallery (Yes I am a fan of the place, as is Liz), followed by evensong at Westminster Abbey (neither of us having ever been for evensong there before), and all in all a good day.
(18) Leeds Parish Church and Chelsea choirs later got together for a festival evensong , followed by a recital by the Chelsea singers.
(19) With lessons and carols, communion and evensong , the person at the centre of these religious services will be working long hours delivering the Christmas message.
(20) The formal part of the wedding (the vows and rings) came first, and the usual particulars of evensong followed - Rose responses, a psalm to Anglican chant, Gibbons Second Service canticles, and a few hymns.