TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 12
Oh, please. How could I possibly devastate Howard?
ধ্বংসান, বিধ্বস্ত করা, উত্সন্ন করা, লুণ্ঠন করা
(1) Cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly.
(2) Overwhelm or overpower.
(3) Devastate or ravage.
(4) Demolish.
(5) Destroy.
(1) The government should, if necessary, be willing to run a deficit, he said, insisting the collapse of the cattle industry would devastate the entire provincial economy.
(2) The industry is united in its belief that the proposed fishing bans will devastate the industry and lead to tens of thousands of job losses and bankruptcies.
(3) Residents who claim a wind farm on the fells would destroy the landscape and devastate tourism are being urged to oppose the development before it even becomes a formal proposal.
(4) Just five kilograms of plutonium, in the wrong hands, could devastate a city.
(5) All this can devastate lives, destroy relationships, disrupt work, cloud effective thinking, and affect physical health and ruin futures.
(6) Well aware that North Korean missiles can devastate its cities, the Japanese are desperate for both a peaceful solution and American support.
(7) These attacks will devastate industrial cities across the United States which have already seen tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs disappear over the last two decades.
(8) Flanders in Belgium had been all but destroyed with the ancient city of Ypres being devastated .
(9) Without hesitation, the young man complies, even though the loss of this catch devastates him.
(10) Max's death devastates his friend, but his demand that Kevin write their story offers the surviving boy a future, built on a glorious period from their past.
(11) But the private sector considers the possibility of an earthquake devastating our city as less remote.
(12) Clearly, Aggie's mother and father were absolutely devastated at the loss of their daughter.
(13) The sand bird mother was totally devastated by her loss, and cried out her grief in the jungle.
(14) More are needed to ensure that the York's tourist trade is not devastated by a spell of wet weather.
(15) The lawmakers heard clear evidence that the exploitation of illegal labor is simply devastating American workers.
(16) The larger the scale of the extreme weather, the more devastating the impact on population sizes.
(17) Shackled tightly by luxury tax constraints, the Celtics were not able to re-sign the versatile Rogers or much-vaunted defensive devastator Erick Strickland.
(18) I think I speak for many Australians here when I say we were devastated by the attack.
(19) Someone we love is dead; or a child is seriously ill; or a relationship that sustained us falls apart; or a family conflict devastates us; and we begin to see how flimsy and ethereal are money or success or influence.
(20) But he also talked Cate Blanchett into daring to recreate a truly beloved Hollywood figure in Kate Hepburn, all the while knowing that if it went wrong, it could be a career devastator .
The Big Bang Theory Season 2, Episode 12
Oh, please. How could I possibly devastate Howard?