TV series example of the word

The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 19
You pick up a Y chromosome while you were there?
তন্তুসদৃশ বস্তু
তন্তুসদৃশ বস্তু-সম্বন্ধীয়
(1) A threadlike strand of DNA in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order
(2) A threadlike body in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order
(1) The centromere is responsible for two key chromosomal functions in mitosis and meiosis.
(2) Ring chromosomes , chromatid exchanges and polyploidies were also observed at some treatments.
(3) The number of ovulated oocytes per female and the chromosomal constitution of these in vivo matured oocytes were analysed.
(4) The sex chromosomes are placed to the right of the smallest autosomal chromosomes .
(5) As a result, etoposide is a potent clastogen, inducing chromosomal damage in vitro and in vivo.
(6) So a genetic map is an abstract entity that tells you the relative positions of genes on chromosomes .
(7) The sizes of the two centromeres from the homologous chromosomes are different.
(8) Our genes are located on 46 paired structures, or chromosomes , in the cell nucleus.
(9) Numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities within each metaphase were recorded.
(10) The most direct way to assess chromosomal aneuploidy is to evaluate chromosome numbers in metaphase cells.
The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 19
You pick up a Y chromosome while you were there?