TV series example of the word

Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 12
...but I'm hearing chancy things about their bathrooms since they renovated.
ঝুঁকিপূর্ণ, বিপত্সঙ্কুল, অনিশ্চিত
(1) Of uncertain outcome; especially fraught with risk.
(2) Subject to accident or chance or change.
(3) Of uncertain outcome.
(4) Especially fraught with risk.
(5) Dangerous.
(6) Risky.
(1) The restoration to favour of forgotten books and authors is always a chancy business.
(2) And so the chancy element of happenings is central.
(3) Economists recognize that estimating multiplier effects is a chancy business under the best of circumstances.
(4) J. K. Galbraith pointed out a long time ago that the smartest businesspeople abhor true competition - it's much too expensive and chancy - far better to monopolise the market for public services and pocket all the profits.
(5) But intelligence-gathering has always been a chancy business.
(6) The natural souring of unpasteurized milk is a chancy business.
(7) It was chancy , but even Brenda knew that taking risks was all part of the fun of living one's life.
(8) Besides, transporting animals on ocean voyages is a chancy proposition full of danger for the animals and those assigned to care for them.
(9) The fungus doesn't kill the tree, it just reddens the wood, and what this means is that finding a good red myrtle is a very chancy business.
(10) Wild child April, with her piercing and tattoos, has long since left her white middle-class home to live in Manhattan with her black boyfriend Bobby who has connections at the chancy end of the rag trade.
(11) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510That's clumsy, chancy and too dangerous for Bannon to try,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb Cole said flatly, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510my employer isn't that stupid.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
(12) That has proved as chancy as standing below a seagull and scarcely more rewarding.
(13) All of us should therefore operate today with some notion of very probably reaching much larger audiences than any we could conceive of even a decade ago, although the chances of retaining that audience are by the same token quite chancy .
(14) When the construct is killed, reconnecting my consciousness with my body is a very chancy business.
(15) Intervening on behalf of democracy is chancy enough.
(16) My far-flung net of significant others helps me to find meaning and purpose in a random and chancy world, and I hope I reciprocate to some degree.
(17) Predicting tomorrow's weather is chancy business, let alone a five-day forecast.
(18) It brought home to me what I already knew - that going tench fishing with only one or two bait options could be a chancy business.
(19) It is extremely chancy , moreover, to anticipate the future of art architecturally, or to presuppose that modern art will continue to be shaped principally by painting and sculpture, albeit on a larger scale.
(20) You got so tired of nearly every risk-taking venture blowing up in your face that you've pretty much stopped attempting anything the least bit chancy .
Breaking Bad Season 3, Episode 12
...but I'm hearing chancy things about their bathrooms since they renovated.