(1) A pause or interruption (as in a conversation
(2) A break or pause (usually for sense
(3) A pause or interruption (as in a conversation)
(4) A break or pause (usually for sense) in the middle of a verse line [also: caesurae (pl)]
(5) Interruption
(1) Inside the caesura of such a brokenness he has built a home for human longing, its finitudes and its hunger for the beyond that both encloses and exposes it.
(2) From a long-term point of view, therefore, the tumultuous changes in Italian religion at the end of the early modern period mark not the dawn of a new era but merely a caesura .
(3) In my function as translator, I want to be as constant as that musician, who blew without caesura , the way the voice pours one word into the next, his trumpet the instrument of the world's coming out.
(4) This stanza is typical of his middle free verse style; a varying caesura keeps the music graceful but slightly off-balance.
(5) Looking back, he regards 1968 as a caesura , a moment - rather like 1789 - when the history of previous decades had to be rewritten.
(6) The Greek caesura was always much more flexible than Horace's, and English tends to treat it as entirely movable.
(7) On this reading, the u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510deathu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb that separates written and writing selves is not a state the subject of autobiography moves toward; u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510deathu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb is the moment, a caesura within the subject.
(8) The caesura forced by an oddly extraneous comma divides the line into question and condition and calls attention to the metaphysical question of how one's position affects one's knowledge.
(9) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510Glass facilitates faster communication between inside and outside, yet at the same time it sets up an invisible but material caesura which prevents such communication from becoming a real opening onto the worldu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb (Baudrillard).
(10) He sees the caesura that defines Africa's denied presence in language, but either does not see it or will not discuss its composition in his novel or in his critical practice.
(11) Do you think there was anything similar to the Classical Latin caesura ?
(12) To identify some moment - in this case, all we are told is that the caesura occurs after the American Revolution - as marking the birth of true capitalism is to place too much emphasis on one supposedly sharp break.
(13) He appears to be aping the Latin caesura without understanding its structural purpose.
(14) His process introduces a caesura for contemplation between looking at an object and painting it; the result highlights the idiosyncrasy of painting.
(15) In this it contrasts with the accentual four-stress line of Old English and Middle English alliterative verse, in which the caesura is expected to fall in the middle of the line.
(16) He indicates some of the stresses in the manuscript sources of the poem and marks the caesura or pause in each line.
(17) A mathematical division called caesura structures the painting.
(18) Everything had changed, a caesura had opened in world history.
(19) All of the major European democracies have had great caesuras in their democratic traditions.
(20) All the words had been fully present and correctly pronounced; all the line-end pauses and caesuras had been properly respected.