TV series example of the word

Vikings Season 1, Episode 7
from the head, from the hair, from the brain, from the brow,
ললাট, কপাল, ভ্রু, গাড়ীবিশেষ, ভ্রুলেখা, শৈলপ্রান্ত, শৈলপার্শ্ব
(1) The part of the face above the eyes.
(2) The arch of hair above each eye.
(3) The peak of a hill.
(4) Forehead.
(1) When the brow was secured, RADM Yang strode to the shore to be greeted by RADM Smith and the Chinese dignitaries.
(2) As they creep over the blind brow of the hill, an articulated lorry comes thundering towards them and swerves out into the middle of the road as the driver spots the wary pedestrians.
(3) He looked around nervously and wiped his perspiring brow .
(4) The same story unfolded at the Scardaun Falls where the wind whipped the spray off the Falls and back over the brow of the hill towards the lake.
(5) He wiped his brow
(6) But as the spirit appeared, during my prayer, I felt surprised to notice its brow darkened and its forehead wrinkled.
(7) It's a busy road, and that was our main concern, with the traffic coming over the brow of the hill.
(8) Jack Womersley, a former Bradford councillor, saw the motorbike overtake two cars and disappear over the brow of a hill moments before the collision.
(9) I wiped my brow , leaving a stripe of blood across my forehead.
(10) The cottages were built on the brow of a hill
(11) Her hair was windblown about her face, and deep creases were on her forehead, where her brow was puckered with anger.
(12) With a call to board ship, sailors said their final farewells, gave their final kisses and hugs and moved up the brow .
(13) He turned around, pushing his dark brown hair off his forehead and wiped his sweaty brow .
(14) Both women continued pouring magik into the sphere until it was the color of the sky, and Elisa wiped sweat from her brow .
(15) Some years ago a footpath was installed from Carnforth to the outskirts of Nether Kellet but stopped at a point where the road enters the village on the brow of a hill and round a sharp, narrow bend.
(16) Mr Nugent was travelling separately and driving behind his pals when he lost sight of the Peugeot after the brow of a hill near Castledown School, Ludgershall.
(17) The injection works by temporarily paralysing the muscles around the forehead, eyes and brow that make wrinkles and lines in the face as people age.
(18) Her nose narrowed and took on an aquiline cast, while her forehead receded from her brow .
(19) The road twisted and turned for another fifteen minutes until it came to the brow of a hill and revealed a small valley beyond.
(20) A sterile towel should not be used by a person in sterile attire to adjust glasses or wipe his or her brow .
Vikings Season 1, Episode 7
from the head, from the hair, from the brain, from the brow,