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English to Bangla Meaning of brawl - তোলপাড়

তর্জনগর্জনসহ ঝগড়া



ঝগড়া, অগ্নিকাণ্ড, উচ্চ শব্দে ঝগড়া, ফইজত, তোলপাড়


উচ্চ শব্দে ঝগড়া করা, কলকল শব্দে বহিয়া যাত্তয়া

Definitions of brawl in English


(1) An uproarious party

(2) A noisy fight in a crowd


(1) To quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively

Examples of brawl in English

(1) The camera weaves its way through a motley crew of punk and ÔÇÿnew waveÔÇÖ types as they carouse, brawl , and struggle to assert themselves over the noise and chaos.

(2) There was peace at last and only the infrequent traffic in Wilde Street and a drunken brawl or two outside disturbed the peace of our new home.

(3) The case involved charges arising from a vicious brawl in a sports bar.

(4) Now what about in an altercation like a pub brawl or a street brawl where someone is bitten?

(5) He'd got into a drunken brawl in a bar

(6) He was able to hold his own in any society and at other times brawl with the roughest of the rough in the bush pubs where he often drank to excess.

(7) It is often a clash of egos with no more interest than a street brawl .

(8) It was easy to turn a drunken brawl into a gunfight.

(9) A street brawl

(10) From her vantage point, however, Em was only given a view of the drunken brawl , which had deteriorated into a hissy fight.

(11) The two brawled like children fighting over a lollipop.

(12) Winter might have frozen them for now, but in warmer weather dozens of brawling mountain streams ran down to the northernmost tributaries of the Greenleaf River.

(13) Their neighbors are ninja types who are constantly brawling with other evil ninja types.

(14) We felt that it was important to use Benner Run because it is high-quality trout water and is a beautiful area, with its rhododendron cover along the brawling stream.

(15) It all began when the casino fired its only female warehouse employee for brawling with a co-worker.

(16) The proportion of street killings that resulted from drunken brawls plunged by two-thirds between 1875 and 1920.

(17) Moreover, most murders are committed during the heat of the moment, whilst having blazing arguments with a spouse or during drunken brawls in the pub.

(18) Then the whole tacky and demoralised affair will descend into brawling as each union fights for its own factional interests, including grabbing a greater share of the rapidly dwindling dues base.

(19) But, from a taxi driver's point of view, on Easter weekend you could not go round a corner without seeing drunken brawls all over the town.

(20) For three days, two unevenly matched teams have brawled , they have hurled almost everything at each other, and any time one has deigned to take the advantage, the other has clawed it back.

synonyms of brawl






TV series example of the word

They opened the door for a few seconds\Nand there was a brawl.�

Money Heist Season 1, Episode 4

They opened the door for a few seconds\Nand there was a brawl.

A timid boy at a tavern brawl.

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 8

A timid boy at a tavern brawl.

Men brawl from time to time.
It's only natural.

Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 8

Men brawl from time to time. It's only natural.

You started a brawl in the streets with
Ned Stark and disappeared from the capital.

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 1

You started a brawl in the streets with Ned Stark and disappeared from the capital.

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Published: 12 Mar, 2023

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