(1) A stiff cap with ridges across the crown; worn by Roman Catholic clergy
(2) A stiff cap with ridges across the crown
(3) Worn by Roman Catholic clergy
(1) Yet, when O'Brien steps forward to receive his red biretta at the consistory - the installation ceremony - in Rome on October 21, he will do so knowing his appointment was not universally endorsed by the 750,000 Catholics he now leads.
(2) The Catholic community knows too that if the Pope decides to appoint a Scottish Cardinal, the biretta is more likely to return to the west.
(3) With his sly wit, Avery Dulles made a more elfin impression - especially when his biretta fell off his head into the pope's lap.
(4) The young kneeling, tonsured figure on the right appears to be a high-ranking ecclesiastic - a canon or dean - whose biretta rests at Christ's bound feet.
(5) He peered inside through a cracked board and saw two men, biretta s in hand.
(6) The moiru00d4u00f6u00a3u252cu00abe silk of the cassock, the cappa magna and the biretta was of a pale rose color.
(7) In the present restorationist situation in the church, many leaders are satisfied with the middle-aged vocation with a biretta on his head, an ample cassock, and a conviction that he must teach the laity to obey him.
(8) As they relax in Rome this weekend, the men are all too aware that only one of them will go on to wear the red biretta and shape the agenda of the powerful Scottish Catholic church for a new century.
(9) Part of the pathos of Durcan's Richelieu lies in his obsessive awareness that if he u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510dropsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb the talismanic biretta / crown, the game will be up and the show will be over.
(10) The dream of a better, kinder nation has gone with the wave of a biretta .
(11) Cardinal Cormac Murphy - O'Connor's new biretta became a beretta in a caption to a photograph of the papal kiss, page 14, yesterday.
(12) Mitres to the left, birettas to the right; it's been a faith-filled, polarising Easter.
(13) In confusion, Paul VI perched the wrong birettas on the wrong heads: the American Lawrence Sheehan's large biretta landed on Dante's small Italian head, hanging down over his ears.