(1) Supported by both sides
(1) As Dr Brash said, that is a matter of bipartisan agreement in this House.
(2) Each of the three counties involved will have its own bipartisan recounting committee.
(3) In domestic, as well as foreign policy, there is bipartisan agreement between the major parties.
(4) On the one hand, National is telling business audiences that New Zealand has a bipartisan trade policy.
(5) If we are going to pursue a bipartisan policy let's be willing also to accept some shortcomings on our part.
(6) There was bipartisan agreement on the committee to hold an inquiry into hate speech.
(7) Named the USA Patriot Act, the bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.
(8) The bipartisan character of the response of the two major parties is not an accident.
(9) I think it is a great pity that we have moved away from a bipartisan agreement that gave New Zealand the best accounts in the world.
(10) The calls for a unity government or a bipartisan approach come from conflicting directions.
(11) Trade policy has been a notable and bipartisan success of postwar American foreign policy.
(12) A bipartisan War Party is in control of Congress, and the media has been toeing its line.
(13) I add that Canada also eschews bipartisan democracy in favor of a number of well-known parties and a handful of lesser known ones.
(14) Charter school legislation easily passed through both state houses with bipartisan support.
(15) The disclosure has led to a bipartisan call for a congressional investigation.
(16) This legislation underscores the bipartisan agreement between Labor and the government.
(17) The comments underscore Labor's bipartisan support on foreign policy as on every other issue.
(18) Does the Prime Minister recall promising that he would always extend the bipartisan hand on this policy?
(19) Is that the way you want to start off the kind of bipartisan cooperation you have been talking about?
(20) Yet the House has just approved it, on a virtual party line vote, ending the recent spirit of bipartisan cooperation in Congress.