(1) Relating to or characteristic of animals of the class Amphibia
(2) Operating or living on land and in water
(1) It might be an engineer who says that their bridges would keep more people out of the water if more people drove amphibious cars.
(2) It's a lightweight amphibious vehicle that can go just about anywhere.
(3) For instance, unlike the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps amphibious forces, the Army depends wholly on the other services and the civilian sector for strategic transportation.
(4) The amphibious force would mirror a seven-ship deployment of about 7,000 marines from the East Coast, which headed out last weekend.
(5) The special 8-seater amphibious plane was caught in a crosswind as it landed just after 3 p.m. and veered off the runway causing severe damage to the undercarriage.
(6) The mudskipper is an amphibious fish that has the ability to locomote on land.
(7) As well as a snowy theme, the map also has a number of water features, which brings into play the two amphibious vehicles.
(8) The fast fleet tankers are able to operate in support of amphibious forces, anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare operations and protection of vital sea areas and shipping.
(9) The flexibility of amphibious forces will give them an increasingly important place in future operations and in order to give the greatest support to such forces we need a core of Commando-trained chaplains.
(10) It has been heavily researched to make sure that even the vehicle and amphibious craft have the correct markings.
(11) This includes supporting mine warfare and amphibious operations as well as specialist surveying tasks.
(12) It was also the shortest route and one where the growing might of American naval and amphibious forces could be brought to bear most effectively.
(13) Before World War II the Marine Corps developed a doctrine of amphibious operations that employed a quick, sharp, unexpected assault against a defended coastline.
(14) The invasion was delayed for a day because of bad weather, but just before dawn on June 6 the largest amphibious force ever assembled was poised just off the Normandy coast.
(15) In 1799 a strange Australian specimen, u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510a small amphibious animal of the mole kind,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb arrived at the Royal Society of London.
(16) These Marines were in a light amphibious vehicle.
(17) I was horrified, and mourned the loss of its tiny webbed feet, but perhaps she just hastened its departure from a world no longer habitable for amphibious life forms.
(18) Orders were issued almost immediately to prepare for the invasion of Sicily, and the division made ready for its second amphibious operation of the war.
(19) As the Navy shrinks, the amphibious force, with its rather limited mission, is bound to decrease in size, probably substantially.
(20) Navy and marine amphibious forces are designed and trained to transport and put ashore substantial marine land and air combat forces against enemy opposition.