তারের বাদ্যযন্ত্রবিশেষ
(1) A musical stringed instrument with strings stretched over a flat sounding board; it is laid flat and played with a plectrum and with fingers
(2) A musical stringed instrument with strings stretch over a flat sounding box
(3) It is laid flat and played with a plectrum and with fingers
(1) The Third Man is very much a jape - a sardonic waltz set to the mocking gaiety of its infectious zither theme.
(2) The guqin, a seven-stringed zither , is the oldest of China's stringed instruments, dating back some 3,000 years.
(3) The whole village is gathered in a noisy sports hall, sipping local wines, while listening to a morbid folk song played on a second-hand zither .
(4) Accompanying Urna is her German husband and producer Robert Zollitsch, who also played the zither and performed Mogolian throat singing.
(5) The ballad form, which was most popular between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, often involved pastoral tales sung to the accompaniment of a lute or zither .
(6) Some fished in clear deep waters and fish would swim over for their bait; some played the zither and the gulls would remain docile and uninterrupted.
(7) Lauper has performed on a number of instruments including guitar, dulcimer, zither , recorder, bass recorder, omnichord, banjo, ukelele, tin whistle, and drums among others.
(8) In addition to a weaving violin and a zither that sends chills down your spine, there is a solo voice - similar to the muezzin's call from the minarets - that is full of heartbreaking longing.
(9) He's heard here both solo and backed by zither and percussion.
(10) The instrumentation includes a fairground organ and a zither .
(11) First he trained his wife on how to play the zither .
(12) Soon after his arrival in Vienna, Carol Reed heard a local musician, Anton Karas, playing an odd sort of Austrian guitar, called a zither .
(13) The eight-stringed zither on which the old geezer accompanies himself has a really funky tone; he adds mouth percussion between stanzas.
(14) Then he reaches for a what appears to be a fun-sized zither and picks out the melody to u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510I Thoughtu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(15) They've grown up and want us to realise it; this album is more low key and features an impressive array of instruments including a ukulele, zithers , brass and strings.
(16) The bowed zither may seem strange, but is exactly what it appears to be - a violin for zitherists .
(17) They also show me the instruments they keep in the forest - the flutes, bow-harps, zithers and drums that are used in the music.
(18) Harpist and zitherists as a rule only use the thumb and three fingers.
(19) Japan sent 13 zitherists to the festival, the highest number of representatives.
(20) It became more and more an integral part of his sense of the film and finally he decided that the whole score should be provided by the zitherist .