(1) Her red silk duchesse satin zip front jacket has the potential to be one of the hits of the collection.
(2) Meanwhile, as with any circuit, you'll zip from one move to the next without resting, keeping your heart rate - and calorie burn - high.
(3) The standard way around this is to zip the executable files before sending them.
(4) The zip and energy shown by Wales in attack was one of the major plus points for Hearts.
(5) Sure, he launched some missiles back in '91, accomplishing zip .
(6) The garment is manufactured using a hardwearing, fire resistant fabric that incorporates a two way zip on the front.
(8) He turns without thinking to the one following him to ask him to zip him back up in again, realizing with horror after a moment exactly what this must forebode.
(9) Her white zip jumper hung loosely round her hips and her brown hair was up in a ponytail.
(10) The zip she detects in Tokyo is missing in London and/or Paris and/or New York, she is saying.
(11) It had a bit of zip , and it was a nice diversion from the usual power ballads.
(12) Key items are loose cotton zip cardigans or hoodies, loose-fitting jersey knit pants, double-faced lycra tank tops and T-shirts.
(13) And you don't have to sacrifice zip for cleaner air.
(14) Anybody who needs to correct someone about beauty college not being a real college has a navy bean for a heart and a kindness quotient of zip .
(15) Zip pants, wide leg drawstrings, and comfy fleece trousers with matching zip jackets are staple items.
(16) Want to add some crunch to your salad, some zing to your pasta, some zip to your dip?
(17) If you are looking for something slightly dressier, try this putty colored zip front jacket by Calvin Klein.
(18) Meanwhile our heating bill went up almost $150 and we get zip because, apparently, we make way too much money (note the sarcasm).
(19) He was wearing black tracksuit bottoms and a blue Adidas zip top.
(20) I inhaled the smell of old perfume and talcum powder every time I helped zip her dress.