TV series example of the word
The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 10
Do you know that I yodel?
The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 10
I also yodel.
(1) A songlike cry in which the voice fluctuates rapidly between the normal voice and falsetto
(1) Sing by changing register; sing by yodeling
(2) Sing by changing register
(3) Sing by yodeling
(1) And when the moment is right, he unleashes his mad falsetto rebel yell, or West Texas yodel .
(2) It's a good combination, he says - not many bands can scream their guts out and then yodel .
(3) With his fingerpicking and his yodel , Sexton takes us to his roots, to the buried sound of another place.
(4) I can't hear her curdling yodel .
(5) He heard a yodel from below
(6) He yodelled manfully.
(7) Revel in the fact that she is a damn fine yodeler .
(8) Happily, we encountered not one yodeller , nor a single soul wearing lederhosen.
(9) The high plains yodeler helped the company warble the world mass yodelling record into submission.
(10) No Eurovision would be complete without yodelling .
(11) There's even a hidden track of some girl yodelling .
(12) Shoot a full frame of the Swiss Alps, or zoom in on your friend yodeling .
(13) For her encore, after performing about six songs, she yodeled for a minute and left.
(14) Remembering the advice of a friend whose cabin had been situated in a cow field, I attempted his never-fail cow-luring technique: I yodeled .
(15) He was also a fine singer, a yodeller of great repute.
(16) She is a splendid whistler, yodeller and vocal banjo.
The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 10
Do you know that I yodel?
The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 10
I also yodel.