(1) The yeast Candida albicans and the beer yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been demonstrated to increase atopic allergy.
(2) When it came time to bake bread, a cup of this live culture would be added to the dough to provide the yeast needed to leaven the bread.
(3) But orgies of organic molecules are not life, just as flour, water, yeast , and salt are not bread.
(4) The inclusion of yeast results in fermentation and causes the dough to rise, if it is left in a warm place.
(5) This is inferred because spore viability is reduced in some checkpoint single mutants of budding yeast .
(6) This bottle-conditioned ale contains live yeast which allows the beer to develop in the bottle.
(7) Yeasts are single-celled plants which utilize sugar in building new yeast cells.
(8) This evolutionarily maintained mechanism has been detected from yeast to mammalian cells.
(9) Not yet available in the market, this bread is made of naturally fermented rice starter dough with no artificial yeast or preservatives added.
(10) For the last ten years, like a lump of bread dough without yeast , our consumption rates have refused to rise.
(11) When you come back to your experiment, you'll notice that yeast cells do a really good job of creating carbon dioxide.
(12) Kvass is a lightly fermented sour-sweet beverage that is commonly made of black bread or grain with yeast and somewhat resembles beer in flavor.
(13) In budding yeast , many genes are induced early in the cell cycle.
(14) Allowing the yeast or other leavening agents to do their duty.
(15) One of the key ingredients in a home-baked loaf apart from yeast , flour, salt and water - is time.
(16) It involves putting yeast and sugar together in a bottle to create fizz.
(17) The results described above suggest that anesthetics may inhibit yeast cell division by decreasing amino acid import.
(18) They would break up and rearrange themselves as the yeast cells reproduced.
(19) Their attempts to genetically engineer spider silk relied on the use of bacterial, yeast , or plant cells.
(20) The yeast cells in the envelope of yeast are the cells that do the work in your loaf of bread.