(1) God directs those who follow Jesus Christ to represent Christ in the world and to witness to God's love.
(2) For me, they embody and express the faith and witness of an extraordinary servant of Christ.
(3) We are enriched in our understanding of the faith and strengthened for witness and service in the world as we listen to the voices of all God's people and receive their gifts.
(4) It does not deal well with the question of how doing evil to one to stop evil to many can witness to the reign of a God that is truly and completely good.
(5) A wise Christian told me about a year ago that I should never forget that God has put me in a great position to witness to lots of people.
(6) Such vigilance is to witness to the power of Scripture and of Christ, as led by the Spirit.
(7) I think a lot of it is due to my Mum, she was raised as a Jehovah's witness .
(8) He then asks them to witness the signature of his will.
(9) The memorial service was witness to the wide circle of his interest
(10) As we exercise faithful stewardship over our bodies, we witness to our thankfulness to God for those bodies
(11) Neither panels, as wings of a triptych, are of course signed, but they witness to a feature of El Greco's life - the production of multiple versions of the same scenes.
(12) She appeared as witness for Seu00d4u00f6u00a3u251cu00a1n
(13) We were a group of Christians, about twenty to thirty in number, who had come together for the bank holiday weekend to witness to Jesus Christ.
(14) Sinclair complained that the Crown had failed to disclose a police statement that was inconsistent with evidence the witness gave in court.
(15) It requires instruction in the faith and above all training in prayer, so that the gifts necessary for humble service and faithful witness be received by all.
(16) I was witness to one of the most amazing comebacks in sprinting history
(17) To be a martyr is to witness to the truth we hold dear about our faith: the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit.
(18) The call for u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510innovationu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb is in a sense a call for contextualization of faith, worship and witness even in North America.
(19) Oral evidence set down in witness statements
(20) By law, if three or more people witness a crime on the scale of murder, the one who committed the crime had no right to a fair trial.