ঝাড়া, ঝাড়াই করা, শস্য ঝাড়া, ত্তচলান, বাতাস দেত্তয়া, চালা, পৃথক্ করা
শস্য ঝাড়িবার যন্ত্র
(1) The act of separating grain from chaff
(1) Separate from chaff,blow on,treat by exposure to a current of air so that waste matter is eliminated,remove by a current of air,separate
(2) Separate from chaff
(3) Blow on
(4) Treat by exposure to a current of air so that waste matter is eliminated
(5) Remove by a current of air
(6) Separate
(1) Amidst this welter of confusing signals, it's difficult to winnow out the truth
(2) Guidelines that would help winnow out those not fit to be soldiers
(3) A person in clean moccasins then u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510danced the riceu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb treading on it to remove the hull and then tossing it into the air to winnow the chaff.
(4) Women winnow the chaff from piles of unhusked rice
(5) Also you may occasionally see her out in the fields helping her mother, Memnet, crush and winnow the grain.
(6) To winnow the wheat from the chaff and to prepare it in an easily digested shape for the tender stomachs of first- and second-year students taxes the resources of the most capable teacher.
(7) Analysts attempt to winnow a few kernels of truth from a mass of falsehood in order to construct a comprehensible mosaic from a swiftly flowing stream of uncertain data.
(8) She contends that women winnow competing ideas less through hostile scrutiny than by getting inside another's mind, and often by way of friendly conversation.
(9) To the extent that the FDA has helped winnow the mainstream drug market down to scientifically proven treatments, it has been a help rather than hindrance.
(10) Days like this become a file of lingering images: women winnowing grain, children carrying almost their own weight in firewood, and meeting a Hindu sadhu on pilgrimage.
(11) They will have the chance to try reaping, stooking, threshing, winnowing and milling and, if they still have the energy, cooking as they take part in the entire harvest process from field to plate.
(12) In the countryside, her duties include caring for children, home, and garden, as well as transplanting, harvesting, and winnowing the rice.
(13) Shaggy yaks stomp around threshing circles, ears of barley are thrashed with sticks and winnowed by singing villagers in twos and threes.
(14) The chaff is winnowed out by the activities of millions of independent actions.
(15) These include the preparation of new fields, preparing existing fields, ploughing, planting, harvesting, threshing, winnowing , and storing the grain.
(16) You spend the vast majority of your time winnowing the application pile - i.e., finding reasons not to hire someone.
(17) After all the grain have been removed from the mahangu heads this grain must be winnowed to remove the husks.
(18) His distaste for hypotheses is the natural reaction of a man in possession of a far superior instrument for winnowing truth from error.
(19) The jigged rice was winnowed with a bark tray to separate the chaff.
(20) There is even a sign in the tourist office - of all places - for a u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510hand-power riddling and winnowing combinated machine on rent.u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb
separate (out)
sort out
sift out
filter out
narrow down
get rid of