(1) A serious or devastating setback
(2) An evil spell
(3) Spell
(1) Discrete little chunks of Thursday, that weren't goo-worthy in themselves, seem to have joined forces in the night and put the goo whammy on me this morning.
(2) Mr Denham's departure was the third blow of a triple whammy that saw Leader of the House Robin Cook and two junior ministers, including Mr Denham, quit their jobs.
(3) The dinosaurs, they say, were killed not by a lone asteroid strike but by the quadruple whammy of global climate change, massive volcanism, and not one but two gigantic collisions.
(4) But there can't be recovery if we triple and quadruple whammy these reefs.
(5) It had a triple whammy of problems: poor content, latencies and content not suitable for the format, as well as a bad UI.
(6) Our economy suffered a triple whammy this year - we were hit by Sars, the Iraq war, and then the world economic downturn.
(7) U2018When you have people who have a diet that's very high in animal fat, they get the full whammy of the contaminants,u2019 said David Carpenter, who supervised the St. Lawrence Island studies.
(8) Shazia, growing up in the United Kingdom, faced the triple whammy of being Asian, Muslim and female.
(9) They have to think of one policy package and strategy to stop the triple whammy of falling stocks, bonds and the yen.
(10) So this week I've had the triple whammy of being busy, edgy and suddenly noticing a few people around seem to be looking unexpectedly good.
(11) The third whammy was the degradation of the financial system
(12) The third whammy was the degradation of the financial system
(13) The triple whammy of destruction greatly increases chances of developing an u2018age-relatedu2019 eye disease.
(14) Using 11 u2018magical crystalsu2019 and a giant crystal u2018to receive and transmit positive thoughts,u2019 Geller put the whammy on the opposition.
(15) I've come to put the whammy on them
(16) I've come to put the whammy on them
(17) York Wasps suffered a triple whammy yesterday as the big winter freeze put paid to the New Year's Day clash against Swinton Lions.
(18) The final whammy is the twisted bowel operation.
(19) This extremely talkative Plateau-born downtown resident has been putting the hypnosis whammy on people for over 50 years now.
(20) Playing the what-if game, the U.S. could face a quadruple whammy if OPEC stops cheating and Venezuela doesn't get its act together and a war disrupts Middle Eastern oil and we get a very cold winter.
(21) Scottish Natural Heritage is facing a triple whammy of objections which are to be lodged with the Scottish parliament calling for an investigation into the activities of the conservation quango.
(22) But then the organisers came in with a whammy that left the undefeated team and its supporters scratching their heads!
(23) He said: u2018This is very much a triple whammy for the motorist and even a quadruple whammy if you happen to drive a diesel-powered vehicle.u2019
(24) Maumere Bay is slowly recovering from a triple whammy : earthquake, tidal waves and a cyclone.
(25) The quadruple whammy is hitting winemakers like a 10-ton barrel.