(1) She's a very warm person
(2) Clean the wound with warm water
(3) Jorenae slipped out of bed and padded across the floor to the fireplace, examining the warm clothes.
(4) But it sure was a far cry from the civility and warm kindness he showed me during that other party.
(5) The narrow entrance hall leads to a larger reception hall decorated in warm colours, with light coming from a glass and pine door.
(6) Try orange or clove to get a rich, warm scent and lavender for a light, fresh, spring-like aroma.
(7) My clothes are laid out before me as I contemplate the warm coat, my constant companion for the winter.
(8) In Indian summers, when the weather is still good enough to sit out, it's great to have some pots on your patio full of plants with rich, warm colours.
(9) You could always go back a few hours or the night afterwards and be welcomed back with warm smiles.
(10) Successful tourism for this country should begin there with smiles and warm welcomes.
(11) Lucas like the ocean, pear scented ocean, warm and strong to take him away.
(12) People are very friendly over here and they honour their guests with a warm welcome.
(13) This is a great time to sow hardy annuals from seed while the soil is still warm .
(14) On behalf of himself and his family who received such a warm welcome, your kindness and generosity will be gratefully remembered.
(15) There are also a range of hybrids in warm yellow and orange tones.
(16) We thank sincerely the organisers and helpers for their very warm welcome and hospitality.
(17) She had an innate sense of compassion which reached out to the wider community and her ready smile radiated a warm welcome which endeared her to so many.
(18) They'll germinate and plants will get established much faster in warm soils.
(19) Jane admits to feeling much relieved by his presence, his warm voice and affection, next to her bed.
(20) The sun remained out for the entire day and it was fairly warm , reaching a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius.