(1) Through Helforth, we initially learn that geometric images represent Natalia's quest for visionary states of experience.
(2) Legend has it that the very structure of the Forbidden City was conceived in a dream by Yung-lo's tutor, a visionary monk.
(3) Nor was it Neal Stephenson, the visionary science fiction writer who imagined a future transformed by nanotechnology in his 1995 novel The Diamond Age.
(4) This card asks you to be a visionary - to dream beyond current limitations.
(5) The Angel's trumpet flower produces a narcotic scent used by South American shamans to induce visionary dreams.
(6) It is not easy to paint a visionary future and also to chart the map that gets you there.
(7) According to Hamburger, the devotional image develops in order to record and provoke the visionary experience cultivated by the nuns and, to a point, imitated by the laity.
(8) His interest in visionary experience, for example, can be traced back to early essays.
(9) During the coming months, AMT will presents visionary articles from leaders on the future of the arts and music.
(10) We keep saying that we are visionary world leaders, but our customers, for the most part, aren't buying it.
(11) The book ends with an assault by the mob on Mr Chainmail's 12th-cent. castle, an ironic comment on the more visionary schemes to solve the troubles of the age of reform.
(12) Eventually she must have fallen asleep, but all she remembered was her strange visionary dream.
(13) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510These hypothetical, visionary schemes will only act to deter tenants from investing in their businesses,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb he said.
(14) The film is based around Isaac Asimov's visionary stories about future technology where robots are an integral part of our daily lives.
(15) An early visionary experience aroused his faith in the supremacy of the Lotus Stra, and during his career he wrote two commentaries on it, one a general survey of its meaning, the other a line-by-line exegesis.
(16) Somewhere between 432 and 460 a second visionary dream, in which the Irish people beseeched him to return, ignited his missionary zeal.
(17) Nor are visionary experiences induced, for example, by hallucinogenic drugs.
(18) Guymun is well-known for her visionary insights and gifted storytelling.
(19) I would be much more comfortable for there to be an inspiring philosophy led by a visionary leader.
(20) I marvelled at the imaginative energy of the Martian enterprise, at its visionary and dogged inventiveness.