(1) This can be accomplished by employing consistent verbal descriptors in both oral speech and written materials.
(2) SL stated that despite there being no written contract there was a verbal agreement and that would stand up in law.
(3) The Democratic governors who witnessed the verbal assault were likewise restrained in their reaction.
(4) By being in the frame, I could direct scenes from within, rather than giving verbal directions to my actors in-between scenes.
(5) Patients received written and verbal instructions on proper inhaler technique at screening and at each of the study visits.
(6) But there is a certain standard of verbal dexterity that is expected in politicians at this level.
(7) The past forms of nominal sentences are verbal sentences because of the verb of existence which expresses the past tense.
(8) U251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510It's nice to finally see Silsden getting some visible support rather than just verbal support,u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb she said.
(9) The highly verbal quality of their construction can prove an insurmountable obstacle to their success as a film.
(10) Unfortunately, some politicians are prepared to trade verbal punches rather than attend to the country's business.
(11) I didn't feel up for more verbal abuse, but I still wondered where he was taking me.
(12) He loves the verbal jousting almost as much as the 90 minutes.
(13) Healthcare providers may need to write u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510exercise prescriptionsu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb rather than give verbal advice to frail older adults.
(14) Nominal, adjectival, and verbal expressions can, however, be u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510coercedu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb into serving a non-prototypical function.
(15) From absolutely nowhere Syrah ran into the verbal battle, speaking with venom in her normally controlled voice.
(16) Music may have meaning, but it is an imprecise language, a language of suggestion and imagery rather than verbal description.
(17) Here as well, purely verbal concessions were made to demands for international control.
(18) He loves this verbal jousting as a dodge for his academic laziness.
(19) Tests at twelve months showed marginal improvement in verbal fluency associated with estradiol declines.
(20) Among other particular features of Albanian and other Balkan languages are a postpositive definite article and the absence of a verbal infinitive.