সামন্ত, মুখাপেক্ষী ব্যক্তি, ক্রীতদাস, পোষ্য ব্যক্তি, বেতনভোগী অনুচর
(1) A person holding a fief; a person who owes allegiance and service to a feudal lord
(2) A person holding a fief
(1) A much stronger nation can also turn a weaker one into a vassal state.
(2) These oath-takings are critical to Tolkien's mythologising of the past because they reproduce the feudal bonds that a vassal pays to his liege lord.
(3) A restored Stuart monarchy would have made Britain a vassal state of France.
(4) The impractical nature of one sovereign having to perform homage as a vassal to another, with ties of fealty that theoretically prevented an independent foreign policy, were unworkable and was a major cause of the Hundred Years War.
(5) Liege homage involved the vassal admitting his obligation to pay all services, including the provision of military assistance.
(6) The term feudal is often associated with William and the Normans, suggesting a system whereby a tenant or vassal held land from the King or his superiors.
(7) A much stronger nation can also turn a weaker one into a vassal state
(8) In the feudal relationship, a vassal owed loyalty and service to a lord according to the terms of their personal agreement.
(9) About 800 years ago it was also the site of the legendary vassal state, the Western Xia Kingdom, which was finally conquered by Genghis Khan.
(10) A vassal state of the Ottoman Empire
(11) The last king, who possessed only the land on the right bank of the Bosna, sought to strengthen his position by becoming a vassal of the pope.
(12) In the 11th century it became an independent countship, and from the 12th century its rulers were vassals of the Holy Roman Emperor and came to style themselves u251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu2510princesu251cu00f6u251cu00e7u251cu00fb.
(13) He understood the practice of European vassalage and the importance attached to an oath taken to an lord.
(14) In 1163, he attempted to firmly define his rights as feudal overlord of the Welsh princes by demanding oaths of vassalage from them at the Council of Woodstock.
(15) Lords based their authority over other freeholders on two types of vassalage .
(16) Before then personal vassalage was common, but a considerable proportion of peasants were slaves.
(17) After all, the majority of barons treated their vassals and serfs reasonably well, awarding them land to grow what they needed to eat and even paying them enough to replace lost livestock.
(18) The fief overshadowed fealty, the benefice became more important than vassalage , and freemen began to swear allegiance to the highest bidder only.