(1) At $12.50 the book is a good value
(2) Hence, it is important that you value the differences that make you unique as a couple.
(3) The total value of the three contracts will be worth in excess of u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu2551100 million annually.
(4) The appraisal submitted by the plaintiffs estimates the fair market value of this property in March 1991 at $300,000.
(5) All things considered, it's a good value for the money and a model I could be quite happy with.
(6) If you value your freedom
(7) If you can see the value or potential value of a practice, continue it.
(8) Consider this an asset sale, priced at the cost of the estimated market value of the land.
(9) At u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu255112.50 the book is good value
(10) Attempts to measure freedom are notoriously complicated, as are attempts to assign an intrinsic value to freedom as such.
(11) In journals, writers record their experiences and reflect on their value or importance.
(12) I hope it'll be of value to researchers
(13) Analysts believe the company's true value lies between 45-55 cent a share.
(14) By philosophy of education, I mean a vision for the purpose and value of education.
(15) She paid me the value of the computer she broke
(16) If you value your life
(17) Your support is of great value
(18) These are financial instruments that rise in value as the market falls, enabling the holder to make up for losses on an orthodox share portfolio.
(19) There are some excellent prizes and at a cost of u251cu00f6u251cu00aeu252cu255d8 per month it is very good value .
(20) However, we were choosing from the set menu, which offered seemingly good value at three courses for u00d4u00f6u00bcu251cu255117.50.