(1) No data available
(1) Indeed the expense and the nature of the gifts - unyoked animals for unmarried goddesses, for example - help to colour in those personalities, their status and importance.
(2) The trekking routes and outspans - a term derived from unyoking a team of oxen - became major channels of communication into the interior.
(3) He got to work, and some other men came forward and unyoked those of the second waggon, so it was clear that the wagons were to be left as they stood.
(4) He said, ‘First the horses of your chariots will be unyoked , then even on this narrow pass the chariots can easily be turned round.’
(5) During the sack, the countryside had taken on the marks of anarchy: farm-dogs foraging in packs, empty farmhouses, trampled gardens, neglected vineyards, unyoked oxen wandering in the road.